quantity sufficient造句
- I carefully sav d the ears of this corn you may be sure in their season , which was about the end of june ; and laying up every corn , resolv d to sow them all again , hoping in time to have some quantity sufficient to supply me with bread ; but it was not till the 4th year that i could allow my self the least grain of this corn to eat , and even then but sparingly , as i shall say afterwards in its order ; for i lost all that i sow d the first season , by not observing the proper time ; for i sow d it just before the dry season , so that it never came up at all , at least , not as it would ha done : of which in its place
然而,对发生这样的奇迹,对意料之外的天意,我还是应该感恩戴德的。老鼠吃掉了绝大部分谷粒,而仅存的十几颗竟然没有坏掉,仿佛从天上掉下来似的,发生这样的奇迹难道不是天意又是什么呢?再说,我把这十几颗谷粒不扔在其他地方,恰恰扔在岩壁下,因而遮住了太阳,使其很快长了出来如果丢在别处,肯定早就给太阳晒死了,这难道不是天意吗? - It's difficult to find quantity sufficient in a sentence. 用quantity sufficient造句挺难的